Management Homework Help

Examine the traits that are provided in Exhibit 2-1 of The Leadership Experience textbook. Identify and discuss the top 3 that would be most valuable for you as a project manager for a high-risk proje

  • Examine the traits that are provided in Exhibit 2-1 of The Leadership Experience textbook. Identify and discuss the top 3 that would be most valuable for you as a project manager for a high-risk project. Now, identify and discuss those skills you would want your team members to possess. Justify your response.

EXHIBIT 2.1 Some Leader Characteristics

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Personal Characteristics

EnergyPassionHumilityPhysical stamina Intelligence and Ability Intelligence, cognitive ability Knowledge

Judgment, decisiveness


Optimism Cheerfulness Self-confidence Honesty and integrity Charisma

Desire to lead Independence

Social Characteristics

Sociability, interpersonal skills CooperativenessAbility to enlist cooperation Tact, diplomacyWork-Related Characteristics Drive, desire to excel Dependability

Fair-mindedness Perseverance, tenacity Social Background Education
