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Write a 4 pages paper on human rights and development. equality, freedom from discrimination and torture and equality in accessing fair trial, health, education, and housing (Australian Council for In
Write a 4 pages paper on human rights and development. equality, freedom from discrimination and torture and equality in accessing fair trial, health, education, and housing (Australian Council for International Development 2010, p. 1-2). The elements of human rights-based approach include international human rights framework, transparency, empowerment, participation, and partnerships (Australian Council for International Development 2010, p. 5). Ideally, human rights-based approach applies in development cooperation and development programming. Notably, applying a human rights-based approach in development necessitates for good programming practices. The application of a human rights-based approach to development may lead to significant benefits and drawbacks as discussed below.
Many countries believe that development and the respect for human rights have a mutual relationship and guarantee better life for the society. Indeed, many countries adopt a human rights-based approach that derives the right to development, human security, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (Thailand: Human rights-based approach in Thailands development programs 2010). Another benefit of the human rights-based approach to development is that it offers a normative foundation to developmental work where the society realizes its right to development in a progressive manner (Atack 2001). Indeed, the human rights-based approach supersedes the aspect of human development since it also leads to social growth. The application of this approach to development has also derived inclusiveness and quality in development as the society continues to call for social and economic rights (Gauri & Gloppen 2012, p. 5-7). The human rights-based approach to development forces enhances compliance to economic rights at all levels. Moreover, the unique connection between the human rights based approach and development helps in reducing poverty especially in the developing nations (A human rights approach to development helps poverty reduction 2013).