Computer Science Homework Help
This will be done in Jupyter notebook using pandas and numpy. you are given a seed characteristics dataset. The dataset file is slightly modified and included in the zip file for easier reading (pl
This will be done in Jupyter notebook using pandas and numpy.
you are given a seed characteristics dataset. The dataset file is slightly modified and included in the zip file for easier reading (please put it in the same directory as this notebook file). The dataset includes measurements of geometrical properties of kernels belonging to three different varieties of wheat: Kama, Rosa and Canadian (which are represented with group feature). For each group you have 70 instances each. You can find the information about the dataset (here)[info about the dataset]. Answer the seven questions provided below. Provide your remarks as comments.
{1} Create a new parameter ‘kgl’ for discretizing the ‘kernel_groove_length’ feature, which can take the values ‘high’ and ‘low’.
{2} Create an equiwidth histogram for the area feature width 20 bins.
{3}Create an equi-frequency histogram plot for ‘perimeter’ feature using 20 bins.
{4}Perform a subgroup analysis by visualizing the ‘compactness’ and ‘kgl’ features with violinplots.
{5}Create a boxplot for asymmetry_coef parameter.
{6}Analyze the relationship between kernel length and kernel width parameter.
{7}Create a star plot for average kernel length, kernel width, perimeter, compactness and area features from each group.