Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Causes of the Childhood Obesity.
Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Causes of the Childhood Obesity. This essay “Causes of the Childhood Obesity” outlines the danger and consequences of obesity among kids. For children, food often becomes equated with love, good times, special occasions and celebration thanks to centuries’ old social traditions and family emphasis (Parker, 2006). To deprive children of the foods that bring these associations automatically induces an impression of punishment whether that was the intent or not, making enforced diets difficult. Their weight gain is also often associated with a predominantly fast food diet, “Now roughly half of [all] meals are consumed outside the home and a substantial share of those are from fast foods” (McGinnis cited by Srikameswaran, 2004). At the same time, because of natural awkwardness or as the result of an increasing middle section, many of these kids are not as coordinated, quick, able or flexible as other kids, inducing a further punishment idea behind the concept of activity which further pushes them to avoid exercise (“Poll”, 2006). In these instances, it seems as if the weight of responsibility for childhood obesity may more appropriately be laid at the feet of parents who do not involve their children in activities or society in general by creating a situation in which children may only feel loved or included when eating or in a general tendency to ridicule those who are not able to perform as well at physical activities. Parents are implicated by not providing the attention and affection necessary to enable the child to have positive emotions without the need for food (Parker, 2006).