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Write a 6 pages paper on backlash against the feminist movement. The backlash, according to Trimble’s analysis of the phenomenon (cited in Feminism and I am not a feminist, 2008, p. 12), “was born out

Write a 6 pages paper on backlash against the feminist movement. The backlash, according to Trimble’s analysis of the phenomenon (cited in Feminism and I am not a feminist, 2008, p. 12), “was born out of the rise of neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism in the 1980s and 1990s.” At that point in time, the popular belief was that the movement had successfully accomplished its primary objectives and that Canadian women, as a consequence, had attained a status of absolute equality with males. Women had attained the basic rights for which they had agitated and fought. As the movement had been initiated by the absence of these rights and its goal had been the attainment of these rights, their accomplishment was interpreted as a successful conclusion to the movement. As such, the backlash refers, not to the right of women to equality or their earlier struggle for the attainment of equality, but to the current, “third wave” of feminism (p. 12). The backlash, in other words, is directed against feminism as a socio-political and ideological movement.

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Canadian women have not, historically, embraced feminism. According to Trimble, O’Neil and Faludi (cited in Feminism and I am not a feminist, 2008, pp.