Social Science Homework Help

Review the section entitled, 17 Principles of effective instruction on p. 19 of the reading: Rosenshine, B. (2012). Principles of instruction: Research-based strategies that all teachers should know.

Review the section entitled, 17 Principles of effective instruction on p. 19 of the reading: Rosenshine, B. (2012).  Principles of instruction: Research-based strategies that all teachers should know. (

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 These 17 principles emerge from the educational research discussed in the article. Reflect on the extent to which you already practice these principles in your classroom (or you have seen modeled before in classrooms where you were a student). Which ones do you use and which ones do you fail to use? Why?

 Which of the principles do you feel you consistently employ in your teaching practices (or if you are not currently teaching, which principles have seen regularly employed when you were a student)? Which of the principles do you think you could improve upon by including them in your teaching practices? Which ones are irregularly included in your classroom (or have you never seen modeled by a teacher)? Is the lack of their inclusion a function of time, unfamiliarity, or some other factor?  ensure to include practical examples in your answer.


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1. Instructional strategies. (2002).  Alberta Learning, Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation. 

  • Pages 1-48. This helpful article summarizes several instructional strategies used to help students become independent, strategic learners. These strategies become learning strategies when students independently select the appropriate ones and use them effectively to accomplish tasks or meet goals. The article is primarily written for health education teachers of K-9, but effective instructional and learning strategies can be used across grade levels and subject areas and can accommodate a range of student differences.

2. Instructional strategies list: evidence-based strategy. (2015) Community Training and Assistance Center and Washoe County School District. 

  • Pages 1-10. The article summarizes a list of 49 instructional strategies that have been adopted in a school district. The list includes an explanation of each strategy along with related approaches where applicable. The article will be helpful to have as part of a teacher’s resource kit.

3. Rosenshine, B. (2012).  Principles of instruction: Research-based strategies that all teachers should know. American Educator, 12- 39.

  • Pages 1-9. The article presents ten research-based principles of instruction and suggestions for classroom practice. The principles are generated from three sources: (a) research in cognitive science- how our brains acquire and use information, as well as how to overcome limitations of memory; (b) research on the practices of master teachers- the best practices implemented by experienced teachers whose classrooms have demonstrated meaningful learning gains; and (c) research on cognitive supports which support learning complex tasks- these include effective instructional procedures that have demonstrated evidence of helping students to succeed.

4. Yee, K. (2020, March 8). Interactive techniques. licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.

  • Pages 1-18. The author examines several techniques which have multiple benefits for student instruction. The instructor can easily and quickly assess if students have really mastered the material (and plan to dedicate more time to it, if necessary), and the process of measuring student understanding in many cases is also practice for the material—often students do not actually learn the material until asked to make use of it in assessments such as these. Finally, the author examines how the nature of these assessments drives interactivity and brings several benefits. Students are revived from their passivity of merely listening to a lecture and instead become attentive and engaged, two prerequisites for effective learning. These techniques are often perceived as “fun”, yet they are frequently more effective than lectures at enabling student learning.