Accounting homework help

Topic 1

Tactical decisions are often small-scale decisions that serve a larger purpose.” Discuss how this relates to ratio analysis. Give an example of a decision a company might make using this logic based on ration analysis techniques.

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Topic 2

This week we discuss quality costs such as prevention costs, detection costs, internal failure costs and external failure costs. Of these, which do you think is most important to focus on? Is there an ethical responsibility held by companies to focus on external failure costs?


  • Each topic should be 150 words.

Source: Scholarly articles or Peer-reviewed journals (These sites may help Kaplan Financial Knowledge Bank, AICPA, Journal of Accountancy, American Accounting Association, SEC, SpringerLink)


Blocher, E, Stout, D., Juras, P., Smith, S. (2019). Cost Management, A Strategic Emphasis 8th ed New York, NY:McGraw Hill