Accounting homework help

Discussion # 1

Define the term “functional currency.”  Why is it important for a foreign subsidiary to determine its functional currency when translating its foreign currency financial statements? Locate the most current financial statements of an actual corporation that reports something about functional currency determination and it’s impact on the financial statements. The information is most likely in the Notes to the financial statements. Provide the exact page number and/or numbers in the financial reports where you found the information. Provide complete reference information for the financial information that you use including the URL or URLs that open to the information. Share your creative analytical thoughts about the impact of the use of the functional currency concept on financial reports.

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Requirements: Research how COVID-19 has impacted financial accounting. Report your findings. Draw conclusions, make predictions and recommendations demonstrating your creative, analytic thinking.

Paper Format:


Minimum 3 pages total (not including the required title page, abstract or reference page)

Proper APA format

Minimum of 4 scholarly sources