After completing this week's Learning Activities, please provide a substantive response (250 words & 1 reference excluding the textbook) to the following assessment question before Thursday at midnight. Your two replies (150 words & 1 reference each excluding the textbook) to others are due by Sunday. Chapter 3 starts with the identification and the introduction of the principles, and the characteristics of a successful Information Governance program. Identify these Principles, explain their importance, and apply them to a scenario in your workplace. Suppose you have been asked to develop a document retention plan for your organization. Describe timelines for keeping paper and electronic documents. Describe challenges that you anticipate in deploying this plan to your workplace.

After completing this week’s Learning Activities, please provide a substantive response (250 words & 1 reference excluding the textbook) to the following assessment question before Thursday at midnight. Your two replies (150 words & 1 reference each excluding the textbook) to others are due by Sunday.
Chapter 3 starts with the identification and the introduction of the principles, and the characteristics of a successful Information Governance program.  Identify these Principles, explain their importance, and apply them to a scenario in your workplace.
Suppose you have been asked to develop a document retention plan for your organization. Describe timelines for keeping paper and electronic documents. Describe challenges that you anticipate in deploying this plan to your workplace.

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