Algebra Homework Help

Eyjafjallajokull is a volcano in Iceland. During a recent eruption, the volcano spewed out copious amounts of ash. One small piece of ash was ejected from the volcano with an initial velocity of 336 f

Eyjafjallajokull is a volcano in Iceland. During a recent eruption, the volcano spewed out copious amounts of ash. One small piece of ash was ejected from the volcano with an initial velocity of 336 ft/sec. The height H, in feet, of the ash projectile is given by the equation: H = – 16tsqual + 336t where t is the time in second.

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The graph of this equation will be a parabola. We will assume that the volcano has no height. H = 0 at t = 0.

When does the ash projectile reach its maximum height?

What is it’s maximum height? When does the ash projectile return to the ground?

Show all of your steps.