Applied Sciences homework help

Do you think the idea of multilevel theory is a more accurate reflection of the way contributing factors affect behavior in real life? Why or why not?


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Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


What are the main streams of influence, according to the Theory of Triadic Influence? Please provide examples factors/attributes that belong to each of those streams. What is the relationship/correlation between each of those streams?


The PRECEDE-PROCEED approach has several key assessment/diagnosis phases. Please describe the epidemiological assessment. What are some key sources of data used in this assessment? Which main questions is this assessment is trying to address/answer?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length


What are some of the key assumptions behind the PRECEDE-PROCEED approach? What are some of the key benefits of using this approach? What are some of the “real-life” examples of using this approach?


Your response should be at least 200 words in length


How did workplace health programs change over the years? What were some of the key changes? Where does workplace health promotion fit in the current and ongoing discussion of how to reduce the nation’s healthcare costs?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


Please describe the five main phases of a typical community mobilization strategy.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


Why is it that communities are the primary settings for public health/health promotion interventions? Also, how is a virtual community similar or dissimilar to a geographic or place-based community for purposes of health promotion?


Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


If you are trying to address and further implement certain strategies for a specific public health issue in a community, what are some of the examples of multiple social and political forces you might be faced with? In other words, what kinds of community politics could you encounter?


Your response should be at least 200 words in length


What does it mean to tailor an intervention to a community or population?

What does sustainability refer to in health promotion?