Architecture and Design homework help

Part A.  Experimental Methods in Psychology 

Complete the questions along with or following your viewing of Experimental Research Methods in Psychology

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Responses should be fully composed sentences – be sure to include all information relative to each question.

1.  In the study referenced by the film, identify the following as shown in the film example (not their definition)  (3 pts):


Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

2.  Identify the difference between a Repeated Measures Design and an Independent Subject (2 pts)

3.  What is Random Assignment, and why is it important to research design in psychology? (2 pts)

4.  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the Lab Experiment design in psychology. (3 pts)

5.  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Field Experiments. (3 pts)

6.  Describe the factors that influence the choice of research design – Is it better to use a lab or a field experiment? Explain. (3 pts)

7.  Define/Identify and discuss the following problems associated with psychological research (3 pts):

Demand characteristics:


Ethical Issues:

8.  What are the benefits of the continued use of experimental research (either lab or field)? (1 pt)

Part B:  Non-Experimental Research Methods in Psychology Nonexperimental Research Methods in Psychology

Complete the following using information from

1.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Questionnaires?  (List 3 for each)

2.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Interviews? (List 3 for each)

3.  Describe the ethical issues involved in using Naturalistic Observation? (3 points)

4.  What are the advantages of using a Case Study?  (list 3)

5.  What are the ethical considerations important to using a Case Study method? (3 points)