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Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Ethical filter worksheet. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Ethical filter worksheet. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. ETHICAL FILTER WORKSHEET Ethical Filter Worksheet Here of Phoenix Value Personal Source

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Justify the Value’s Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions.

1. Economic

There were unaccountable times in the recent past that I can not have and get what I felt was my need. For example, I could have gone out on a vacation for two (2) to three (3) days to give myself some time to relax and rejuvenate, but, I have not saved enough from my meager pay to spend for the occasion. If I would insist on giving into the need for a vacation, it would mean sacrificing some bills that must be paid on time.

In life, I have learned that there is “no free lunch”. I have to have money to buy me the goods and services to sustain my needs like food, clothing, shelter, education and entertainment.

The only challenge I could see when using this value in organizational decision making is the plan that every member of the system must have personal idea of the concepts of trade.

2. Pleasure

I often do only things where I find gratification. Like I prefer writing down my thoughts, composing essays, reading books, watching delightful movies, and doing some household chores than engaging in nonsense activities like excessive gym workouts that may bring about consequential health problems.

Happiness is everyone’s desire in this big wide world. Men and women alike strive to find bliss in anything they do because life is too short to live not to be enjoyed.

In a working environment where decisions are made to the satisfaction of every employee means success.

3. Comfortable life

It is not easy to live with what is meager and sometimes having to think of a surplus liability. What could be a life in comfort will be earning surplus income saving every 10% from every income without difficulty.

Though economists rest their policies on scarcity of resources, it takes a pro-active, positive attitude manger to be effective and efficient and worth obeying in an organization.

4. Religious

I grew up in a family that prays to a supreme being more often than others. This way I have learned how to be humble, honest, grateful, sincere, patient and prudent.

Religion develops values in a person accordingly.

5. Self-respect

My sense of worth is I believe the driving force that kept me up in the ladder of success.

Confidence is very important, but often, research proved to be helpful in making personal or organizational decisions. However, in instances where immediate decisions must be made, there is nothing better that a manager who have more than enough courage to show self-esteem.

6. Social

Men and women are social beings. It is my great discomfort working around an indifferent boss.

Any deviations from normal behavior of belongingness or being aloof are a company liability. There are social graces though that people must learn in a system.


McAdams, T., Freeman, J. & Hartman L. P. (1998). Law, Business, and Society. U. S.

A: McGraw-Hill Companies.

1. Sometimes we face choices when we have little time, and possibly no preparation. What are the advantages to role-playing those situations in advance What is your action plan to avoid falling into ethical traps

Role-playing is much like self-talking or being pro-active. It is also pre-conditioning one’s mind such that one develops self-confidence to deal with any eventualities.

MacAdams (1998) stated that R. H. Morrison recognized determination and firmness of purpose as the optimal ingredient to every victory. I am an advocate to the same concept, and this is how I avoid falling into ethical traps.

2. What techniques have you used outside of class to resolve ethical dilemmas you have encountered

Presence of mind, firm determination to achieve my goal, and plenty of positive attitudes are the means with which I deal with any ethical dilemmas outside of class.