Article Writing Homework Help

In 3 double-spaced pages, apply the following reading to the following films to discuss what techniques are used to depict “sexual becoming” or “queer poesis”;   In terms of “lesbian possibility,” Ham

In 3 double-spaced pages, apply the following reading to the following films to discuss what techniques are used to depict “sexual becoming” or “queer poesis”; 

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 In terms of “lesbian possibility,” Hammer’s “Politics of Abstraction” and Sullivan’s “Chasing Fae”, applied to Nitrate Kisses and Watermelon Woman  (compare/contrast)

Use brief citation format, indicating your source and page numbers in parentheses after a citation of that source.

Your goal is to have as clear a thesis statement as possible about what your critical (secondary) source helps you analyze about your artistic (primary) source. Due Friday 1PM.