Article Writing Homework Help
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Ethics of Animal and Human Germline Genetic Modification. It needs to be at least 2250 words.
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Ethics of Animal and Human Germline Genetic Modification. It needs to be at least 2250 words. This implies that there could be unforeseen risks when experimenting with chimpanzees as opposed to mice (Schauer, 2001). Therefore, a research team should be very keen in their endeavors and ensure that they carefully observe the animals for any undesirable signs. The use of animals for conducting tests usually has many adverse effects, with some of them dying after experiencing a lot of pain.
The safety of humans when performing genetic modifications in their bodies is considered to be of utmost importance (Kuhse & Singer, 2006). The process of making modifications in humans could bring unwanted changes that will eventually lead to adverse developmental results or death. The techniques applied in carrying out these modifications in humans will mostly involve manipulating a fetus before eventually placing it in the womb. These manipulations could eventually deter the growth and development of the child in ways that are not yet understood. There could be major impacts on the child’s health, which could eventually lead to death. Research on chimpanzees will greatly assist the research to be performed on humans since both have almost similar genetic makeup (Schauer, 2001). Heavy criticism of human genetic modification has come from the religious leaders who claim that men are trying to play ‘God’. They raise the fears that modifying a human’s genetic makeup could affect his dignity and attitude towards the disabled. They would end up viewing the disabled as being liabilities to their families and communities. The practice of this act is unacceptable across many religions who preach against blasphemy and violation of God’s temple, which is the human body (Tokar, 2001). The cost of 120,000 to 140,000 dollars for every genetically modified (GM) baby implies that these children will only be reserved for rich people. This will be because of the expenses incurred when developing the fetus with more desirable features.