Article Writing Homework Help
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on SEMA Radio Grant Deadline. It needs to be at least 500 words.
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on SEMA Radio Grant Deadline. It needs to be at least 500 words. February 6, 2006 VIA FIRST MAIL Chief Andy Nimmo P.O. Box 2309 Joplin, MO 64804 SEMA Radio Grant Deadline Dear Chief Nimmo, I am writing you today regarding the SEMA grant that was recently announced and is offering funds to help replace wideband-only portable and mobile radios with narrowband capable units. The goal is to equip public safety agencies with the multi-jurisdiction interoperability channels set aside by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) for local public safety use. This grant will focus on promoting interoperability and narrow banding to smaller jurisdictions that otherwise would experience difficulty achieving these goals.
If your department is in need of narrowband radios (portable and mobile), and you would like assistance in applying for the grant, please contact me immediately. I can help you with radio compliance requirements. the budget, inventory and decommission lists, as well as write and submit the application for you. A small portion of the grant itself will pay for my services, so you will experience no out-of-pocket costs.
It is urgent that you contact me today at the telephone number below. The application deadline is February 28, 2006. I look forward to assisting with your funding needs.
Stephen B.