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Write a 12 pages paper on personalised learning, the national curriculum and the rose review.
Write a 12 pages paper on personalised learning, the national curriculum and the rose review. This paper tells that personalized learning has established itself as a valuable method to employ, and it serves particularly the pupil well. It does, though, make great demands on the teacher. Hence, it has formed an important focus point in the examination of both the National Curriculum and the Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum. Thereafter, aspects of the implementation of Rose’s recommendations will be critiqued, taking present educational contexts into consideration. The impact of the recommendations will be viewed in light of personalized learning, as described and defined by the Department for Children, School, and Families. All aspects of the individual’s development are taken into account – spiritual, moral, social, cultural, physical and mental – in an attempt to create a comprehensive basis on which education – pre-primary. primary. secondary and tertiary – can be grounded. The explicit extension of this basic vision is the belief that every individual should be a lifelong learner. Part of the guarantee implied is to enable access to equal opportunity for everyone, in a just democracy. The curriculum should also aid in developing a productive economy and sustainable development nationally while ensuring that individuals value themselves and their families, build good relationships with others, respect social diversity and care for the environment. It affirms a commitment to truth, honesty, trust, justice and a sense of duty and hopes to enable the individual to respond positively to the opportunities and challenges of a changing world.