Article Writing Homework Help
Create a 12 pages page paper that discusses grant proposal. The children who come from Juvenile institutions had been debarred from society and devoid of education, recreation, and the outside world.
Create a 12 pages page paper that discusses grant proposal. The children who come from Juvenile institutions had been debarred from society and devoid of education, recreation, and the outside world. The ABM Juvenile Care Home is completely a new and refined idea because usually there are Juvenile Institutions but the ABM is a Juvenile Care Home. The intention of establishing the Juvenile Care Home is to mold the children who had been through Juvenile Institutions and teach them to follow a rightful life. The statement of the problem includes the identification of the problem, the specific program that ABMJCH intends to incorporate. The goals and objectives have been stated clearly and the operational design has been planned carefully. The various evaluation techniques have been measured and the estimated budget has been prepared. This grant program intends to reform the children who are coming from the Juvenile Institutions and turn them into responsible citizens. The funding of this Juvenile Care Home is important “to fill in significant gaps in the research regarding the prevalence of disabilities among the juvenile justice population” (APA statement on reforming the juvenile justice system to improve children’s life and public safety, 2010, para.5).
The need identified is to improve the lives of children who are coming from Juvenile Institutions. The most important problem identified was the effects of Juvenile delinquency on the children who are facing lifetime imprisonments and the effects of these imprisonments on the children both physical and mental effects. Larry J. Siegel and Brandon C. Welsh in the book Juvenile Delinquency: theory, practice, and law state that Juvenile Justice at the beginning of the 19th century was negligible and delinquent children were punished in the same way as adults. .Researchers must be thoroughly verified and understand how to advocate amend and enlargement inside the youthful justice scheme. Building up of assessable and efficient results for the Juvenile delinquency on the children who are facing lifetime imprisonments, the proper juvenile justice system with parole helps to make the youthful offender in an exact way. .