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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on illiad, antigone, and bhagavad gita.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on illiad, antigone, and bhagavad gita. However, the karma may be different because the actions and reactions usually get the influence of fate and gods that may alter the results. The cultural differences between the Hindu and the Greek societies and the political agendas of the kingdoms may explain the different actions. Besides, divine voices like Krishna or Apollo either provide moral wisdom or intervene directly in the processes.

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The Bhagavad Gita foregrounds the concept of dharma that represents the duty a person has to accomplish. In Hinduism, dharma is very significant because it will have an impact on the karma, the cumulative effect of our action. Though aware of his duty to fight injustice in order to restore the kingdom to his brother, who is the rightful heir, Arjuna goes through a conflict because he does not want to kill his family members for power. Thus, Lord Krishna has to remind him that his dharma as a warrior is to fight evil in order to restore order. The narrator reports Arjuna’s change of mind: “ O King, thereafter, while about to engage in the releasing of weapons, Arjuna on whose banner Hanuuman is pictured, having observed the sons of Dhrtarastra ready for battle, at that time taking up his bow and spoke these words unto Lord Krsna” (Gita 1.20). In this conversation, Lord Krishna makes it clear to Arjuna that life and death do not matter because the body is just flesh, so killing his relatives should not bother him. Lord Krishna emphasizes that his dharma as a warrior is to fight to ensure that the throne goes to the rightful heir, and his failure to do that will have consequences.

Besides, the warriors in Homer’s Iliad have a true understanding of their duty that allows them to take their work seriously, confront their enemies, their hardworking conditions and, sometimes, even their gods in order to defend their territories and restore the honor and pride of their people.