Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on the education system of china Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on the education system of china Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The other stage is secondary education. this stage is classified in two groups, specialized education and the academic secondary education (Wang 27). The academic lower and upper middle schools are obligated to provide academic secondary education. On the other hand, a student going for vocational secondary education or specialized education can attend training for two or four years. This system provides training more low skilled personnel, technician, managers and farmers.
A student at this category can attend undergraduate level of either two or three years. The two options are also known as short cycle colleges, four-year colleges and universities. They provide both academic and vocational training to students. The Chinese universities and colleges provide graduate programs that make it possible for students to attain Masters or Ph.D. degree.
Additionally, undergraduate level is available in either three years or four-year educational program. Three-year program is available in short cycle colleges, universities and four-year colleges. The four-year program is offered in universities and four-year colleges. The difference here is that a student taking four-year program does not attain a bachelor’s degree (Chapman et al. 271).
Adult education in Chinese educational system is a reflection of the other two categories, higher education and basic education. They include adult primary education that covers, workers primary education, education for illiterate persons and peasant farmer’s education. Secondary education covers TV and radio specialized education. Peasant and some adult workers are also provided with adult specialized secondary education. TV and radio universities are some of the categories included in Adult higher education program. Other systems available in adult higher education include worker’s colleges, cadre institutes and the correspondence colleges.