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Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Liberation and Postcolonial interpretations of Matthew 22:16-21.
Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Liberation and Postcolonial interpretations of Matthew 22:16-21. Matthews approach is one of being thoroughgoing and positive.
The Gospel of Matthew chapter 22: 16-21. Matthew attacks the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders and Matthew proposes a substantial argument with its indication to money. The Pharisees question Jesus on law and taxes with the idea to trap Jesus in his words.
Divine authority will always supersede the authority of the State when they are in conflict. His willingness to live within this status quo, working, ministering apart from the political activities pronouncing the Kingdom that is not of this world.
Liberation theology emerged in Latin America in the 1960s. Sin was patented in the unwarranted structures of a particular class of people dominating over a lower class. The political revolution viewed as gateway to articulate Christian love.
The liberationist movement revitalizes the doctrine of universalism. Aficionados disregard mans spiritual needs and concentrate on bettering mankinds physical condition. Universalism is heretical and undermines the biblical doctrine of salvation through faith in Christ alone. Sin in man’s heart is vital than sinfulness. Instead of searching for a spiritual savior, the masses are instructed to search for an earthly savior who will set man free from earthly slavery. As Gutierrezs stated that sin is not considered as an individual or private. Sin a social, historical fact, the absence of brotherhood and love in relationships among men.
Similar to the Pharisees who tried to ensnare Jesus with His own words saying, “Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one. for you do not regard people with partiality. Tell us, then, what you think.