Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Human Resource management of Fire & Rescue service. It needs to be at least 8000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Human Resource management of Fire & Rescue service. It needs to be at least 8000 words. gic HR then was Karen Palframan, says that the Service has to transition from a traditional paradigm of service delivery to one which is dovetailed to the service risks of the audience that they serve. She says they need to be adept at operating their equipment, particularly for geriatric populations, and other groups which pose greater vulnerability. Prevention of fires and dealing with high jeopardy situations must also be addressed adequately. She further shares that this is a hallmark for the FRS (The Chief Fire Officers Association, 2006)

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Human Resource Management, or simply HRM, is considered as an integral component of the operations of any enterprise. HRM may be used as an effectual strategic approach of managing people to achieve the objectives set by the organisation. Guest and Peccei (1994) and Schwind, Das & Wagar (1999) state that an essential means to business vitality lies in the effectiveness of human resource management. HRM focuses on recruiting, screening, managing the performance of, and rewarding employees (Stone, 2002).

Developing career opportunities. equipping employees with competencies. enhancing their current capacities. doing purposeful performance management. motivating employees. promoting safety. and ensuring the accuracy of job responsibilities are just some of the roles the HRM play. All of these practises are to be viewed as unified, and in aggregate have a beneficial effect upon employees and the enterprise as a while (Morrison, 1996. Schwind, Das & Wagar, 1999). This synergy, is generated when the combined HRM practises enrich the organisations workforce, and when such empowerment is reflected in increased productivity (Stone, 2002. Yeung & Berman, 1997). Organisations are more likely to enjoy success when HR practises are synergistic and relevant.