Article Writing Homework Help
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the effects of madol on the physical activity.
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the effects of madol on the physical activity. For the purpose of this study 3-month-old adult Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) will be reared in one climate-controlled room in standard plastic cages. Standard food pellets and water will be provided ad libitum. The light/dark conditions will be 12:12 with the light intensity varying between 200 to 300 Lx (Unit of luminance) during the day and 5 Lx (Unit of luminance) during the dark period. The temperature will be regulated to 25 + 2 º Celsius and the relative humidity will be maintained between 60 to 65 %. The protocols for using the hamsters for the experiments will be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and all National Institute of Health (NIH) guidelines and procedures for care and use of laboratory animals will be followed. Hamsters (n = 80) will be divided into four groups. Group I (n = 8) will receive an intraperitoneal injection of an equivalent volume of ethanol used in other groups for drug delivery. Group II (n = 24, 8 per each dose) will be injected subcutaneously with testosterone (1,2 or 5 mg/Kg body weight). Group III (n = 24, 8 per each dose) will be injected intraperitoneally with dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 1,2, or 5mg/Kg body weight). Group IV (n = 24, 8 per each dose) will be treated with major (DMT, 1,2, or 5 mg/Kg body weight) intraperitoneally. Testosterone, DHT (derived from testosterone by enzyme 5-alpha reductase) and DMT will be dissolved in ethanol. Testosterone and DHT are natural anabolic androgenic steroids present in the human body. Dose levels are derived from the extensive literature review for testosterone and DHT. All these drugs will be procured from a chemical company.