Article Writing Homework Help
I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Responses to Students Postings. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.
I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Responses to Students Postings. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Timothy Biles
The student chose Nelson Mandela to underscore the qualities of a great rather than effective leader. In his analysis, he provided a brief history of Mandela from the days of Umkhonto We Sizwe, the armed wing of African National Congress (ANC), which he led to arrest, imprisonment, release and subsequent transition to democracy under his leadership (Guiloineau & Rowe, 2002), to paint a perfect picture of who he is and emphasize traits that make him a leader of such status. Integrity, the strength of spirit, and servant leadership are among the qualities Mandela posses that make him a great leader according to the student.
Student’s name Louis Roy
The student settles on Ms McClung as the individual who represents great leadership. He takes out passion as an outstanding trait in Ms McClung that makes her a great leader. According to the student, she possesses emotional intelligence and approaches complex problems within her team besides not being afraid to take action in her leadership role (Hackman, 2010). She makes decisions that take into full account the welfare of both employees and the organization. Her leadership style is, therefore, one that has decisions taking into account the needs of employees at a personal level, this the student says, is a good trait in a leader but according to Ltd ( 2004-2010), should not be a dominant factor in the overall leadership style.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.
Student’s name: Tony Sessoms
As a life-changing moment, the student quotes Hackman’s (2002) comments that. “ a great team leader does not rely on a single strategy for promoting team effectiveness but instead works the course of team seamlessness, as a result, reinforcing the outcome of hands-on training”. This comments, he says, changed the point of view of Edwards and in as much as he found the cruel at the start, he later embodied them and that changed his entire future as a leader. He highlights self-confidence as the trait that makes Edwards a great leader.
Student’s name: Marlana Hancock
Effective managers according to Cohen, Eimicke and Heikkila (2008), are those in regular touch with the informal setup and have an excellent understanding of their organization’s environment, this the student says, has been well exhibited by Chief Wilson. The Chief also lives up to Hess & Orthmann’s (2012) definition of a good leader’s traits as. “a motivator, coach, disciplinarian, teacher, team builder and role model”. She adds that Chief Wilson’s action to the community speaks for itself and further make him a great leader.