Article Writing Homework Help

Write 15 pages thesis on the topic applied research methods. The academic sources to be used for the business research process shall come from secondary sources of information such as scholarly articl

Write 15 pages thesis on the topic applied research methods. The academic sources to be used for the business research process shall come from secondary sources of information such as scholarly articles and peer-reviewed journals. In order to understand the tools and techniques used by managers of successful organizations to keep their employees motivated to perform at the highest levels. Through these sources, we can obtain information on factors such as the importance of a leader’s perception in the mid of the employee, the role played by an organization’s culture and how it affects performance and the importance of having a vision that is clearly defined and well-understood by the leader himself so as to be able to communicate it to the employees and generate maximum commitment out of them. Secondary sources of information will therefore be very important to us for this research as it shall be the guiding light on which all our research methodology is based on will be the basis of developing the survey tools and criteria.

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Whilst using secondary sources of information might prove useful, we do realize it might present us with some challenges and affect the credibility of our report if proper care is not taken while researching. The information provided prove to be biased and might have been controlled to some extent by the marketer of the research. There is also the possibility that the information available through these sources might not fully adhere to our needs or might be incomplete. Our aim shall be to minimize the biases that may occur due to these problems and we aim to use a number of different articles and publications in order to verify the integrity of the information available and make this research as consistent as possible. We have also chosen to go with secondary academic sources because these sources tend to be very comprehensive in nature and will provide us with all the information we need to fulfill the objectives of the research. Secondly, the sources also happen to be peer reviewed and evaluated, have been written by academics and certified by the best institutions, which is what adds to their credibility and ensures that the integrity of our own research will not be affected if our work includes such sources.