Article Writing Homework Help
You will prepare and submit a term paper on The use of spinal immobilisation in the prehospital environment An investigative study. Your paper should be a minimum of 3250 words in length.
You will prepare and submit a term paper on The use of spinal immobilisation in the prehospital environment An investigative study. Your paper should be a minimum of 3250 words in length. Findings such as continuous oozing, subcutaneous emphysema and especially expanding haematoma were initially missed.
Current literature does not directly address the indications, benefit and risk concerning so-called immobilization for penetrating neck injuries. This is true for both journals and major trauma textbooks. Most authors simply recommend that all patients with such injuries should be immobilized, or merely state that such is the practice in their emergency department and pre-hospital trauma care. Even the manual of the ATLS does not make a distinction between blunt and penetrating neck trauma, generally stating that “any patient with a suspected spine injury must be immobilized above and below the suspected injury site until injury has been excluded by roentgenograms”. In addition it stresses that “cervical spine injury requires continuous immobilization of the entire patient with a semi-rigid cervical collar, backboard, tape and straps before and during transfer to a definite-care facility”.