Article Writing Homework Help

Collapse          An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization. A firm’s reputation depends on its


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An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization. A firm’s reputation depends on its ethical culture. Both clients and employees must want to be involved with this organization because they trust its reputation. They believe in this organization. Supporting an ethics program that trains all employees to handle ethics issues is critical to maintaining the firm’s reputation. A code of conduct that outlines the firm’s core values, ethical standards, and ethical expectations helps guide those processes.

What particular “ingredients” should be included in an ethics program in order to attract clients and the best employees?

Part I: Craft your response as a “recipe” for an effective code of ethics and business conduct (e.g., two portions professional conduct, half a portion of fairness, one portion respect for others).

Part II: Explain why you chose those particular ingredients, and justify the measurements for each.