Article Writing Homework Help

 In Chapter 6:  (!/4/ :0 ) The Environment – Part I, Hite and Seitz (2016) note that pollution and global warming were an important conc

 In Chapter 6: 

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(!/4/[email protected]:0 ) The Environment – Part I, Hite and Seitz (2016) note that pollution and global warming were an important concern of the first world conference on the environment that was held in Sweden in 1972. Principle 6 of that declaration stated that we must stop the release of pollutants and heat that cannot be effectively processed by our environment (Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. 1972. Chapter 11. p. 2. ).

Thinking about the different types of pollutants and heat that can be effectively processed by our environment, which are the most critical to address? Identify three pollutants you consider to be the most critical to address and explain why you believe they are most important.