Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: The Credibility of Online Sources. Website Credibility In today’s Internet world, the credibility of web sites is becoming an increasingly important area to valu

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: The Credibility of Online Sources. Website Credibility

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In today’s Internet world, the credibility of web sites is becoming an increasingly important area to value. When you visit a website, you expect that the author who has written content of your concern is well qualified and you will get the right information out of it.

Well, in my opinion, credibility, which can literally be defined as believability is more important when you look for the right information about a particular disease, research or online products, etc. However, when you browse sites just for fun, you do not bother about what content or design a website is having. For example, if I search about diabetes, I would definitely look for an official site where I could get the right information. However, if I search for quotations, jokes, or just for fun, I would least bother about the content.