Article Writing Homework Help
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on international study:policy analysis paper.
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on international study:policy analysis paper. Policy initiatives should combine both regulative and investment measures. The initiatives and solution should be aimed at reducing and ending over reliance on coal by switching to green and clean energy sources. The government and organizations should also embark on mass public awareness on measures to combat air pollution and how they can contribute towards improving air quality in the country.
Air pollution refers to substances introduced to the atmosphere that have damaging effects on living things and the environment. These substance introduced to the atmosphere are referred to as pollutants, which may take the form of gases, solid particles, or liquid droplets. Pollutants can either be natural or man-made in origin. These pollutants can either be primary or secondary (Cook, 2014). Primary pollutants are produced from a process such as sulfur dioxide released from factories, carbon monoxide from motor vehicles, or volcanic ash from volcanic eruptions. Secondary pollutants are emitted from reactions in the atmosphere when primary pollutants react.
Pollution serves as one of the broader topics of the environmental issues facing present day Chinese society. China’s air pollution problems often make headlines across the globe. Smog is noted to hang heavy over cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. Rapid industrialization witnessed in China has resulted in an increase of various forms of pollution, which in turn has contributed to widespread health and environmental problems (Ahearn, 2011). Air pollution presents a severe problem, one that if ignored poses a severe risk to human health and the economy. Air pollution has negatively impacted on the health condition of the Chinese people and it has offered a real threat to the Chinese government. The growth of China’s economy has come at a price.