Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: The Revival of Roman and Greek Architecture in The Palace of Fine Art, San Francisco.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: The Revival of Roman and Greek Architecture in The Palace of Fine Art, San Francisco. The particular event lasted from February to December of 1915. The event that became a tradition marks the commemoration of both the recovery of the state from an earthquake in 1906 and the conclusion of the construction of the Panama Canal1.

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The Palace of Fine Arts has different important structural components and architectural elements that can be considered as an integration of both the Roman and the Greek architectural designs. This is due to the fact that the main objective of the architect Bernard Maybeck is a representation of the ruins of Roman and Greek culture combined through the amalgamation of their unique styles. Due to the said objective a unique architectural style was given birth2.

The Palace of Fine Arts is a unique structure that was built for a temporary purpose, an exhibition to last less than a year, but the effort that was put in the building of the edifice stretched it life for half a century. The Roman structure and architectural style can be recognized in the columns that line the building specially the central rotunda and the arch3. These columns are specifically described to be Corinthian, the fourth to fifth century Roman architectural design4. Central part was located near the lagoon which added to the attraction of the Palace, giving its visitors an extraordinary experience.