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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on human and ergonomics Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on human and ergonomics Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Ergonomics Problems Q1. The worker is holding the toolbox with weight of 8 kg on the right hand and on the left hand he is carrying the bulky material of 6.5 kg. The left arm and the right arm are making 30 degree and 45 degree with torso. The length of the arm is 72cm and weight of the arm is negligible.

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Ans: The momentum of the right arm= Mass * Load arm

= 8 kg * 9.8m/s2 * 72/100 meter * cos45

= 56.44 * 0.71

= 40.31

The momentum of the left arm= Mass * Load arm

= 6.5 * 9.8 * 72/100 * cos30

= 6.5 * 9.8 * 72/100* 0.5


Net torque on the back = 40.31- 22.93 = 17.38Nm towards the right

Q2. Boxes weigh 10 kg box lifted from wooden pallet 17cm and lifted through 80 cm and making 90 degree and 45 cm and 38 cm in horizontal distance at original and destination position frequency of lift was 1box/30 minutes and temperature was 32 degree.

The NIOSH lifting equation for lifting weights is given by:

Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM


LC = load constant (51 lbs.)

HM = horizontal multiplier = 10/H

VM = vertical multilpier = (1- (0.0075 [V-30])

DM = distance multiplier = (0.82 + (1.8/D))

AM = asymmetric multiplier = (1 – (0.0032A))

FM = frequency multiplier (from table)

CM = coupling multiplier (from table)

A = angle of asymmetry = angular displacement of the load from the saggital plane, measured at the origin and destination of the lift


H = horizontal location of the load forward of the midpoint between the ankles at the origin of the lift (in inches)

V = vertical location of the load at the origin of the lift (in inches)

D = vertical travel distance between the origin and the destination (in inches)

F = average frequency of lifts (lifts/minute)

Since the frequency of lifts were less than 1 hour hence the frequency multiplier is 0.85 as the work is over one hour.

The coupling multiplier is taken as poor as there was no handles and the work was done while standing and hence according to table is 0.9.

RWL at original position

= 51 lbs * 10/17.71 * ( 1-( 0.0075[6.69-30]) *(0.82 +(1.8/31.49)) * ( 1-(0.0032*90) *0.85* 0.90

= 51 *0.56 *1.17 * 0.87* 0.77 * 0.9

= 17.11 pound

= 7.76kg

Lifting Index at original position

= Actual weight lifted/ RWL at original position

= 7.76kg /10kg

= 0.77

RWL at destination position

= 51 lbs * 10/14.9 * ( 1-( 0.0075[6.69-30]) *(0.82 +(1.8/31.49)) * ( 1-(0.0032*90) *0.85* 0.90

= 51 *0.67 *1.17 * 0.87* 0.77 * 0.9

= 20.48 pounds


Lifting Index at destination position

= Actual weight lifted/ RWL at original position

= 9.28kg/10kg

= 0.92


Thus it can be seen that the lifting index is more 0.92 in the destination position which is alright as it is below 1 but it approaches 1 nearly and may lead to acute or chronic musculoskeletal disorders as because the lifting index should be always less than at least 1, stress of lifting is less in the original position as the lifting index is 0.77 which was also less than 1.

Q3. Alternative 1

Number of workers needed =5

Wages =$10/hr

Duration of operation= 3 hr/worker/week

Insurance costs= $3 per worker per week

Workers Compensation= $2 per worker /week

Training =$120/ worker

Number of working days = 3 days /week

Estimated life cycle = 6 years

Alternative 2:

1 robot

Installation charge of robot = $22000

Operation costs =$15/hour

Duration of operation 1 hour/day

Maintenance $ 12/ week

Salvage value =$ 1500

Number of working days 3 days / week

Estimated life cycle = 6 years

Each month is considered 4.33 weeks and interest rate 3% /month

Present worth analysis

PV= A * (1+i)n -1/ (1+i)n

A for alternative 1( 1 worker) = 90$ *52 +52*3 + 2*52 +20(training/year)= 4960$

For 5 workers = 24800$/year

A for alternative 2 = 22000/6 + 45$ *52 + 1500/6 +12$ *52

=3666.6 +2340+ 250 +624=6880.6$/year

PV for alternative 1 = 24800 * (1+0.03)6 -1/ (1+0.03)6

= 3959.66$

PV for alternative 2= 6880.6$ * (1+0.03)6 -1/ (1+0.03)6

= 1098.