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Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses fashion designer/ training part 2. Fashion Designer: Training Part 2 Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of intere

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses fashion designer/ training part 2. Fashion Designer: Training Part 2 Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact

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Fashion Designer/ Training Part 2


Human resource department plays an important role in every organization. According to Neo Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, “one way that HR can help organizations obtain a competitive advantage is to offer training programs that are designed to create intellectual capital. This type of training is consistent with the idea of creating a learning organization” (Lewin & Kaufman, 2001, p.186). Fashion designing proves to be one of the most attractive and inventive career opportunities today. A fashion designer should have an artistic aptitude and possess a high altitude of creativity. To become a fashion designer an individual requires specialized training in fashion design. Employers generally hire candidates with creativity and a good technical knowledge of the production procedures for accessories, clothing and footwear.

Once the candidate is hired into the organization, s/he is first introduced to the practicing designers in order to become familiarized with colleagues. They are also briefed with an introduction of the machines and materials they would have to use. After this, they are assigned to work together with the team of practicing designers to get a firsthand experience in the fashion field. They will first learn the fundamental principles of design and fashion. they are also offered training in computers as well as various drawing programs.

Long-term on the job training is provided to make them understand all types of designing techniques which they would need to know when working with the team. This facilitates them to get the chance to build up their talent that is required in fields, such as fashion design, computer graphics, advertising, graphic design, desktop advertising, digital design and imaging. On-the-job training is conducted in a normal working atmosphere by making use of actual tools, machines, equipment, materials or documents that trainees will utilize when fully trained. The trainees will get a chance to work in the real work atmosphere. “By presenting new challenges and providing support through strong on-the-job training, employees can remain interested in the job and become more valuable to the organization at the same time” (Steinbach, 2005, p. 7).

These fashion designer candidates are then trained for specific tasks in order to make them efficient. They are trained to draw patterns for the designed articles, sketch rough drawings of accessories and stitch pattern sections to create sample garments. The training plan starts with an introduction to drawing and stitching.&nbsp.They come to learn about the history of stitching and different types of modern drawing and stitching itself. Furthermore, they are also given an introduction to stitches, closures and patterns.

The next phase is to teach them about the different stitching machines which are to be used. This section includes instructions on how to handle the machine, common maintenance, and troubleshooting: they will then learn various techniques of stitching and trained to identify the fabrics and fibers used for designing. In this section, they will learn how to choose a proper fabric and techniques involved in cutting, marking, binding and interlacing the fabrics. Most fashion designers hired into the organization have to undergo some formal training techniques where they learn about designing and making use of computer design technology.

Reference List

Lewin, D. & Kaufman, B. E. (Eds). (2001). New Research on Labor Relations and the Performance of University Hr/Ir Programs. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Inc.

Steinbach, R. (2005). On-the-Job Training: Preparing Employees for Success. Retrieved from