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Write 17 pages thesis on the topic ethical banking in uk: an investigation into its performance as measure of its rightness for clients and soundness as a business practice.

Write 17 pages thesis on the topic ethical banking in uk: an investigation into its performance as measure of its rightness for clients and soundness as a business practice. In fact, major banks and financial institutions around the world were reported to have suffered losses reaching $435 billion in July 2008, with many banks experiencing severe liquidity problems. Is it possible that ethical banking shields its practitioners from negative external factors We aim to find out the answer to this question?

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Business ethics, in general, is the application of moral principles in the making of business decisions (Rushton, 2002)), such that it places a premium on social responsibility. This responsibility represents the positive actions or responses that a company takes to fulfill its responsibilities towards its stakeholders, to the environment and to society as a whole. In the view of some economists, however, there is one and only social responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits. Thus, when firms experience resource shortages as to threaten their very existence, they attack this problem by cheating on their social responsibility.