Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Institutional and Strategic Barriers to Public-Private Partnership.

Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Institutional and Strategic Barriers to Public-Private Partnership. It has come into the housing project in a big way and is showing every sign of remaining there as a collaborator to the public sector, a move that has been proving beneficial to all concerned. It is important to understand the extent to which the capability of PPP could be made use of. PPP has been gaining steady importance in the construction field, and under the circumstances, has been even viewed as inevitable. Any collaboration between the public sector and the private companies for projects is referred to as the Public-Private Partnership (PPP).

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The Labour Government has been very keen on expanding PPP into most of the fields because this partnership can not only bring more efficiency into the public sector projects, but also the investment that is very necessary. The private sector has shown the determination of investing in public projects and wait for the returns. It is said that unencumbered with the bureaucratic approach that plagues the public bodies, private parties can move, plan and work quicker than their public counterparts. The government also hopes that the tax-payers money is safer in this partnership supported by the skills, knowledge, technology and financial know-how of the private sector. The Labour Government seems to have realized the importance and valuable contribution of such a partnership in various fields. It is a fact that PPP has ventured into the construction area very effectively and its future opportunities in other areas are still tentative. As a firm part of the construction management, PPP and its work modes and approach deserve a closer look from the research perspective. With the increasing mobility that the partnership has procured in recent years, it definitely deserves research backing and is already presenting many research gaps and possibilities that could be useful for the construction management and to the stakeholders involved.