Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. the management of lean and agile organisations Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. the management of lean and agile organisations Thank you in advance for the help! Before proceeding to draw the structure of organization for the company we would like to delineate about the nature of work, necessary infrastructure required for the execution of work, type of skills expected of the staff, expectation of the government regarding the job like reporting of work done, coordination with various agencies, follow up for getting payments in time etc. once the nature of job is ascertained it is easy to identify the skills required and recruit staff according to the requirement.

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As the job involves the collection of garbage it is essential that the company should have a fleet of trucks meant especially for the purpose and also dustbins at various locations in the city. As the company has the permission from the government to subcontract some of the work or all of the work and also in tune with the company’s policy of cost control, we suggest sub-contract for providing a fleet of trucks built for rubbish collection. This will avoid engaging more number of workers like drivers and also the maintenance cost of the trucks.&nbsp.

Truck drivers and assistants for collecting the rubbish. Staff at the dumping yard to monitor loads of rubbish dumped by each truck and total tonnage of rubbish dumped in a day by all trucks. Reporting, the above said details to the coordinator. Supervisor/Coordinator: to oversee the work of truck drivers by monitoring rubbish collection points and time is taken for dumping the rubbish for each trip and the number of trips made by each truck. He will&nbsp.also coordinate the functions of various teams and motivate them to give their best output and ultimately accomplishing the task effectively and smoothly. &nbsp.Reporting staff will collect the data and submit the same to the finance department and the audit department. He will also send the feed back required by the government. Follow up staff required for the purpose of analyzing the various data collected, take up with the various departments for any deficiency and also follow up with government agencies to ensure submission of bills reports of feed back to the government and also getting the payment from the government in time.