Article Writing Homework Help
Term paper Topics (List of Articles ) 1. Urban Pollution 2. Big Stick Abroad 3. When Johnny Comes Marching Home 4. Letter from a Birmingham Jail 5. The G. I. Bill of Rights 6. A Good Way to Pick
Term paper Topics (List of Articles )
1. Urban Pollution
2. Big Stick Abroad
3. When Johnny Comes Marching Home
4. Letter from a Birmingham Jail
5. The G. I. Bill of Rights
6. A Good Way to Pick a Fight
7. Coming of Age in Mississippi
8. The Legacy of Vietnam
All of these articles in the list can be found in the American Perspectives E-Reader. You must not use other sources to write these papers. In regard to the term papers, students need to
1- discuss what is the article about,
2- what is the author trying to argue,
3- and what are your thoughts.
Requirements and Length :- it is required to write THREE to FOUR -page term papers (min 1,000 words) on articles that they must read on their own. You must choose one article from the topics listed above and write a term paper. The term papers should be typed and double spaced, using a Times New Roman font of 12. There should be a title page and one-inch margins should be utilized throughout the paper.
Rules Must be Followed :- I take off one point for each error that I see and that includes grammar, punctuation, spelling, errors in spacing and incorrect margins. I also do not want to see any quotes or quotations in any paper that is turned in to me. I take off two points for each quote that I see in a paper. Also plagiarism will not be tolerated. Anyone committing this offense will be given an F in their paper. Any paper that you turn in to me must be written entirely in your own words.