Article Writing Homework Help
looking for someone to write a breif book review of 1000-1200 words on the book i have attached. its a small 33 page book. there are some questions which will help you in writing the book review .
looking for someone to write a breif book review of 1000-1200 words on the book i have attached. its a small 33 page book. there are some questions which will help you in writing the book review. (1000 – 1250 words) Submit as Word document or PDF. Provide in-depth answers to the following questions on al-Ghazali’s Deliverance from Error:1)
1) Provide a brief description of al-Ghazali’s life, as offered by his autobiography.
2) What is the question at the heart of al-Ghazali’s quest? How does this question reflect broader debates within classical Islam?
3) How does al-Ghazali critique theologians and philosophers? Why does he become a proponent of Sufism?
4) What is the “stage beyond the intellect?” How does al-Ghazali argue for its existence?