Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Commercialism And Advertising On The Internet.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Commercialism And Advertising On The Internet. The bombardment of advertisement makes the users lose focus of their real intention of work on the internet and annoys them by frequent reinforcement messages. The younger internet users get awareness regarding inappropriate merchandizes and services, such as alcohol, adult bars etc. Online commercialism is aggravating the concepts related to materialistic ideas since these advertisements cannot be ignored by internet users.

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The Internet has made the whole world come onto a single platform where businesses have the opportunity to access their local, as well as international clients with ease. The attraction of reaching a greater segment of customers on a global scale attracts the companies to prefer the online medium of advertising. According to an article in Business Wire by Goldberg and Silber, the first half of the year 2011 saw an increase of 23.2% in the internet ad revenues which amounted to approximately $15 billion. This figure identifies the inclination of companies towards the online commercialism and the degree to which it is increasing. The cheapness of online advertisements has given way to extensive forms of commercialism on the web. Such instances may result in making the user lose focus from his work and may simply waste his precious time. The problem does not end at the point of being annoyed by the frequent emergence of advertisements. it becomes a data storage issue for some users since they receive hefty emails regarding ad campaigns and promotional messages on their personal email addresses. It is due to such constant spam that people may not receive important emails since their inbox might reach maximum storage capacity.