Article Writing Homework Help
Compose a 250 words assignment on tau beta pi, honor society membership. Needs to be plagiarism free!
Compose a 250 words assignment on tau beta pi, honor society membership. Needs to be plagiarism free! Me being innovative has also lead to growth in my career whereby I have been able to acquire a supervisory role within a period of six months an idea supported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (92). I am also a critical thinker and therefore I have managed to lead my team into making new discoveries and eventually patenting them. Besides many other qualities, I am competent and a hard worker who has never been caught in the web of incomplete projects or undone work.
I have always wanted to be a great role model for many aspiring engineers. I believe TBP being the best engineering honour society (TBP p.1), is the best channel to achieve my dream. I would also wish to get a scholarship to further my studies and become a better professional. I will be of great benefit to TBP by contributing to innovation and hands-on activities of the society. I will also be actively involved in coming up with new ideas to keep the society’s quarterly magazine updated.
Upon becoming a member of the institution, I will join the MindSET program and participate actively in its activities at various levels of study. I will encourage the students to follow the courageous spirit of the seven astronauts who died in their mission to discover as documented by (Freiman & Neil, 176).