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ENC 1143AssignmentRRN 1: Binkley Smith- Reading and peer reviewIn this group

 ENC 1143

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RRN 1: Binkley & Smith- Reading and peer review

In this group

discussion board post, you’ll share your complete rhetorical reading notes for the module’s first reading–Binkley and Smith. To receive credit, your RRN must be complete and provide accurate information. If you produce quality notes, you are more likely to produce a quality summary and demonstrate your familiarity with the text, so these notes are a good opportunity for you to start your discussion with your instructor about the text and show the care you’ve taken in considering the course content.

Read the article: reading Binkley & Smith- ReadingNameCourse titleInstructor’s nameDate Rhetorical readingContexta. Who is the author/what is the author’s profession or background?Roberta…