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Write a 1 page paper on quest patern. Type of Resource Call # Resource Data Your s Summary of Joseph Campbell’s Hero of a Thousand Faces Web Site___Reading and Writing, What Fun! Author___Sheila Seife

Write a 1 page paper on quest patern. Type of Resource Call # Resource Data Your s Summary of Joseph Campbell’s Hero of a Thousand Faces Web Site___Reading and Writing, What Fun! Author___Sheila Seifert

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Title____Hero’s Journey Defined

Last Updated___March 25, 2010

In this resource, Joseph Campbell’s Hero of a Thousand Faces was summarized to help an author create the same “physical, mental and emotional journeys” used in mythic adventures.

The good thing with this resource is that it talks about the internal and external plot pattens and what should be elements should be included in each “section”.

Paper written for a course requirement at the University of Wollogong

Site___Australian Association for Research in Education

Author_Kori Nemme and Phil Fitzsimmons


Title__ The ‘Hero’s Journey’: Personal Resonance as

Response to Narrative

Last Updated___2005

This paper’s aim was to connect about Joseph Campbell’s concept of “natural response” to the different experiences of a stage class using the “Heroes Journey”. Using conversations in the classroom, the authors discovered that everyone had to undergo the same “journey” and by using Campbell’s concepts, students were able to understand and appreciate their own narratives .


Web Site___Google Books

Author___ &nbsp.Otto Rank,Alan Dundes


Title__ In quest of the hero

Last Updated___________________________________

This book is a compilation of essays from three known authors of mythological theories. It hopes the most popular myths and from the oldest culture such as Babylonia, and connect it with current narratives to determine the pattern proposed by the Hero of Thousand Faces. In the other essays, the Hero’s journey is used to understand drama and study the life and death of Jesus.

Post Graduate Thesis

Web Site____ University Of Jyväskylä

Author____ Tutta Kesti


Title____ Heroes of Middle-Earth:

J. Campbell’s Monomyth in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Ring

Last Updated___2007

This is a postgraduate thesis which attempts to understand Lord of the Rings (LOTR) on the basis of Campbell’s Heroes of Thousand Faces. Kesti looks at the main characters of LOTR to determine whether J.R.R used the Heroes to create the book.

At the end of the study, the author says that each character went on his/her own Hero’s journey, thought it was manifested in different degrees.