Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on degradation of glass fibre Paper must be at least 7500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on degradation of glass fibre Paper must be at least 7500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Much of the research that has been conducted lacks longevity data. It is therefore difficult to determine the utmost life of the GFRP rebars in use currently in marine structures. Alkalinity and acidity effects have been analysed as having minimal influence on the GFRP composites with the control conditions being fresh water. Chemical properties of GFRP composites are not highly affected by harsh marine environment therefore withstand aggressive conditions. More research needs to be undertaken on the durability or degradability of the already established marine structures to have conclusive evidence of GFRP composite preference over other fibers composite and other tradition materials like timber and steel. The use of Glass Reinforced Polyester was not common until after World War II which saw the initial commercial use of the material/ composite being established (Telang, et al, 2006). Its use in the civil infrastructure including the marine environment has occurred over the past 15 years. The emergence of fiber reinforcement composite is replacing the traditional materials like steel. The fiber reinforced polymers are the highly recommended in civil engineering structures due to their durability in comparison to steel, cost effectiveness and with their enhanced properties. These fiber reinforcements are able to withstand the harsh and aggressive environments like the marine exposure (Balendran, 2002, 62) GFRP has two major components i.e. the matrix and the reinforcing glass.