Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on 2000 Trade Agreement with China and the Damage it has caused to the United States. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on 2000 Trade Agreement with China and the Damage it has caused to the United States. It needs to be at least 1750 words. This agreement came as a result to the current conceding to China of permanent ordinary trade relations position by the United States Congress, paving the way for China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization. Given that the United States has long complained in relation to the huge trade shortage with China, this agreement should develop the bilateral trade balance in support of the United States. All the same, many long-standing trade concerns between China and the United States remain unsettled to the present. Identification and description: Historical Event The identification of the event concerning trade between the two nations stems for several years of long-term business. It is worth to mention that the two nations have been doing business transactions before the implementation of the trade agreements in the year 2000. Notably, these two nations have been benefiting from each other through various ways while doing business (Jialin, 2003). However, with reference to different statistics of the two nations, there is some understanding that China has had various benefits while causing some damages on the economy of the United States in the end. The understanding of this concern is well demonstrated throughout the entire discussion thoroughly. The main issue of concern is the different measures of the bilateral trade inequity by the two nations.

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