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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on out comes and content. Week 2: Capstone Project – Outcomes and Content Submit by 0800 CST Saturday of Week 2. Polly Spann Kershaw Overview: Capstone
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on out comes and content. Week 2: Capstone Project – Outcomes and Content Submit by 0800 CST Saturday of Week 2. Polly Spann Kershaw Overview: Capstone Project – Outcomes and Content
In this assignment, you will describe the subject, problems, or issues you want to address, which we will call indications because they are like the symptoms clients present for treatment. You will decide which audience your presentation will target, and identify up to eight specific topic(s) within your focus area. You will outline information about your topic and the implications of sharing this information – what difference will this information make? This assignment document will guide you in the preparation of drafts of the first two sections of your Capstone Project: Outcomes and Content.
Describe implications of this project on a specific audience
Develop relevant content to support outcome criteria
WRITER REMEMBER THE INITIALS S.M.A.R.T STANDS FOR Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Also this goal must be achieved within a 4weeks time frame and you can choose the subject area of nursing problems or issues to address and please follow the rubic
Please type the answers on this document thanks.
Use this rubric to guide your work on the Week 2 assignment.
NOTE: All assignments and discussion posts are expected to be completed on time.
Indications (30 points)
Clear statement of specific problem or issue and its unique importance
(30 points)
Statement of problem or issue, with indication of importance
(20 points)
No clear statement of important problem or issue
(0 points)
Audience (20 points)
Clear description of target audience, including description of setting for presentation and why this audience was targeted
(20 points)
Description of target audience
(10 points)
Insufficient description of audience
(0 points)
Implications (30 points)
Clear and strong analysis of how presentation of information will change the behaviors of target audience members and the resulting impact on the problem or issue
*Well-articulated and detailed synopsis*
(30 points)
Statement of how presentation will affect audience members
*Poorly articulated and synopsis lacking detail*
(20 points)
Weak or no statement of how information will change audience or issue
*Lacks articulated synopsis without detail*
(0 points)
Outcomes (10 points)
Three outcomes following S.M.A.R.T. criteria
(10 points)
One or two outcomes following S.M.A.R.T. criteria
(5 points)
No outcomes and significant weaknesses in S.M.A.R.T. criteria
(0 points)
Content (10 points)
At least one relevant content sub-topic for each outcome
(10 points)
One or two outcomes missing relevant content sub-topic for each outcome
(5 points)
No relevant content sub-topics for each outcome
(0 points)
The selected population health problem I will be addressing for the capstone project is cancer. Over the years, I have been working in health care, I have realized that most cancer patients suffer from depression and stress, and this problem tends to heighten when the patients perceive neglect or minimum attention. At my current, place of work, I carryout several duties in various departments that include ICU, Emergency room, and medical surgical floor. I therefore, encounter with patients suffering from various ailments and one of these problems that need serious attention is cancer. According to CDC, cancer, among other chronic diseases is at the forefront on the leading causes of death and disability in the US (CDC, 2014). The nation is experiencing many losses in terms of “preventable deaths, poor quality of care, lifelong disabilities, and escalating costs of care” (CDC, 2014). A quality improvement program towards the care each of these chronic health conditions can greatly improve the life expectancy of countries all over the world, improve productivity, and significantly reduce the cost of care. I carried out a brief review of the leading causes of death in most states, and found that cancer was the second leading cause of death after heart disease (Ohio Department of Health, 2010). Statistics also indicate that cancer is among the top ten leading causes of death worldwide with lung cancer being the most prevalent in the world and prostate cancer being the most prevalent in the US (WHO, 2012).
Currently, there are various research groups studying the causes and factors affecting the various types of cancer, in order to come up with treatments and effective prevention methods that will lead to its eradication. An example of such groups includes the ‘Nordic Occupational Cancer Study’, ‘Stress and cancer development and prognosis’ carried out in Sweden, and ‘Childhood Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Program’ being carried out by Texas Children’s Hospital. In my project, I will be developing am educational program that target nurses and teaches them on how to provide extra care for cancer patients in order to make their hospital visits enjoyable despite the suffering. The project will be implemented at my current place of work. and I will be addressing my colleagues, administrators, and policy makers at my current place of work. However, the results will be shared with groups such as Nordic Occupational Cancer Study and Childhood Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Program.
The nurses, administrators/policy makers, and physicians all play an important role in the care of cancer patients. The nurses on one hand they are the ones directly in contact with these patients therefore, there understanding of the project objectives is key to achieving the project goals. Developing a set of friendly and hardworking nurses towards cancer patients is very important towards managing complications that are related to cancer. Policy makers and administrators on the other hand will be instrumental in drafting appropriate rules and guidelines that will govern the care and attention that cancer patients receive. Their input is very important since the project cannot be successful without their understanding and participation. The project will be addressing cancer patient’s safety and patient satisfaction outcome. Therefore, all stakeholders will be contributing in one way or the other towards achieving this common goal. Currently, about 75% of the US health budget is directed towards management of chronic health diseases (CDC, 2014). A report released by the American Cancer Society on Global economic cost of cancer showed that over $895 billion are directed towards cancer care (American Cancer Society, 2010). The report further showed that from a global perspective, cancer has the greatest economic impact on nations worldwide, besides being the leading cause of premature deaths and disability. Successful implementation of the project will significantly reduce these figures, because the rate of developing other cancer related complications will be minimized.
Outcomes and Content
Use the table below to record the Outcomes and Content for your Capstone Project. (You must create at least three outcomes. If you have more, insert rows in the table.)
1. After presenting the project plan, 95% of the nurses will explain the three main problems cancer patients encounter when visiting hospitals
Stress amongst cancer patients
Barriers to effective care of cancer patients
Depression amongst cancer patients
2. In 6 months, the administration will demonstrate to cancer care organizations, the importance of prioritizing cancer care patients
Effective care of cancer patients
Importance of patient satisfaction for cancer patients
3. After 1 year, the administration will report the financial costs saved due to the reduced number of cancer care patients developing complications.
Costs associated with poor cancer patient management
Cost of care for cancer patients
American Cancer Society. (2010, August 16). Global Economic Cost of Cancer . Retrieved from Cancer:
CDC. (2014, May 21). Chronic disease prevention and health promotion. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Center for Global Development. (n.d.). Case 1: Eradicating smallpox. Retrieved from Center for Global Development:
Ohio Department of Health. (2010). Death – Data and Statistics . Retrieved from Ohio Department of Health:
WHO. (2012). The top 10 causes of death. Retrieved from World Health Organization: http://www.who.