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Write 8 pages with APA style on Frank Parsons, the Father of Vocational Guidance.
Write 8 pages with APA style on Frank Parsons, the Father of Vocational Guidance. Instead of the normal three years required to complete this degree, he did it in just one year. He passed the bar exams in the year 1881. This great effort severely damaged his health, leading to his relocation to New Mexico for renewal.
Parsons got into practicing law in Boston. However, he found this not satisfying. He joined a publishing firm where he assisted in preparing textbooks of law. He formulated a philosophy that resulted to impeccable outpouring of writing works as well as other community activities.
He then developed a liking for reading and making contacts with people. This had great effect on his career later. He lectured on English literature for a long time the YMCA in Boston. He later had his lectures published under the title, “The World’s Best Books” in the year 1889. He became a lecturer at Boston University between the years 1892 and 1905.
In his work published in the year 1894 and titled “Our Country’s Need”, Parsons made a formulation of his views of mutualism. He made an attempt to integrate socialism with individual liberty. He was under great influence by Herbert Spencer and Edward Bellamy from England and the United States respectively.
Another notable influence on Parson was “Christian socialism.” Parson’s aim was to come up with ways to control essential firms like the railroad as well as the telegraph but at the same time honoring the private sector and personal initiatives. He made a good combination of conservatism and radicalism.
Most of Parsons’ great works confirmed him as a competent social critic. They include “Rational Money”, published in the year 1899 and “Direct Legislation”, published in the year 1900. Others are “Telegraphic Monopoly” and “Cities for the People” that were both published in the year 1899.
Between the years 1897 and 1899, he served as a professor at Kansas Sate Agricultural College but still maintained his connections at Boston. During this period, he became extremely radical due to the Populists’ Party greatly succeeding in Kansas. This administrational change led to his sacking together with his associates. This led to their founding of the Ruskins College of Social Sciences. He took up the position of a professor as well as the dean. However, the undertaking did not succeed, leading to his return to Boston.
While in Boston, Parsons became seriously involved in various reform causes, traveling across the country and beyond. For instance, he persuaded the owners of Filenes Departmental Stores in Boston to add cooperative principles to their human resources policy. He also took part in the construction of the Civic Service Home. This home was to settle the immigrant groups. He assisted in organizing the Breadwinner’s Institute, offering a diploma education to the less fortunate in the society.
Parson’s writings such as “The Trusts”, “Stories of New Zealand”, “Railroads”, “Heart of the Railroad Problem” and “The People”, together with his many articles made him a respected voice progressivism. This however played a big role towards his death on 26th September 1908. “Choosing a Vocation” was published in 1909. This was the first such writing in the career guidance. “Legal Doctrines” and “Social Progresses” followed in the year 1911.
Frank Parsons is widely referred to as the “Father of Vocational Guidance.” Despite being trained as an engineer, he authored many books on the social-reform movement.