Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, need to submit a 3250 words paper on the topic Research method for hospitality and tourism assessment: a case study on Hilton hotel).
Hi, need to submit a 3250 words paper on the topic Research method for hospitality and tourism assessment: a case study on Hilton hotel). The paper tells that tourism and hospitality are two economically important and interconnected industries that have a number of interconnected professions, such as customer service, cleaning, maintenance and cooking. Tourism is the process of a person travelling to a place that is not their usual environment and staying there for a period of more than one day, but less than a year. People travel for a range of different reasons, including business and pleasure, and because of this they have different objectives and desires. Some travellers have a lot of time, and like things to be relaxed and easy-going. Others, such as businessmen, are much shorter on time, and require fast and efficient service. Many people will travel from one side of the world to another, or will travel many times within a short period of time. Tourism has been a rapidly growing industry, driven by increases in the ability to travel and the prevalence of people with disposable incomes. The hospitality industry works to provide accommodation to both tourists and locals, and are places where are wide range of different cultures and expectations meet and interact. Hotels often become a hub for such interactions, and both staff and managers must deal with the myriad of wants and needs that arise from these different cultures. Because of the prevalence of travelling, hotels are an important part of the hospitality industry, and they provide people with a place to stay when they are far away from home. The hotel industry is a competitive environment, and because of this, hotels must work not only to attract new customers but also to retain the ones that they do have (Dominici and Guzzo, 2010). There are many hotels for guests to choose from, and many make decisions based on past experience or recommendations from people that they trust. Customer satisfaction is an important component of this. Guests who consider that their overall experience at the hotel was a positive one are more likely to return than those who were disappointed in their stay. Consequently, customer satisfaction is an important aspect of the hotel industry, and is part of the business philosophy for most hotels (Abbasi et al., 2010). Companies that have the ability to recognize and predict what their customers will need have a competitive advantage within the market (Hayes, 2008). The interaction between staff and guests is strongly related to customer satisfaction (Gallarza and Saura, 2006). This research will focus on customer satisfaction within the hotel industry and the effects that culture and ethnic background has on how customers perceive their stay. This will be done using a case study on the Hilton hotel to examine the way in which guests from different cultural and ethnical backgrounds are treated during their stay, and to what extent their needs and expectations are met. This research and its conclusions will be directly related to the hospitality industry and the organisation which is being studied. It will help to identify areas where difference between cultures are resulting in decreases in customer service and will allow recommendations to be given as to what can be improved. This is an important area of research, especially in modern times, where the economy is struggling. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be used to meet the objectives of this study. In both cases, this will be primary research as this allows for accurate and time sensitive data to be collected. The quantitative method that will be used is surveys. These are beneficial as they can be distributed to a large number of people and thus can obtain a representative sample of the population (Keeter et al., 2000). Studies have shown that surveys often have a low return rate due to the respondents being short on time (Kaner et al., 1998).