Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Case Study. The physician in this site should ensure that he assesses every client’s motor skills and record them down electronically. Since assessin

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Case Study. The physician in this site should ensure that he assesses every client’s motor skills and record them down electronically. Since assessing the motor skills is mandatory, the centre should employ elaborate programs that will ensure the physicians follow the correct procedures. This policy may be ensured by the introduction of the Electronic Health Records system. This system will advocate for the recording of relevant report and charts regarding the patient. This system allows patients to create and maintain their own portal accounts(AHA & CHME, 1981). These portal accounts give patients control about information regarding their health and the different evaluations being done by the physicians. The portal also allows the patients to share various diagnosis materials, schedule hospital appointments, as well as update patient information. The update of the patient’s progress is important and it is carried out on a secure platform. By introducing a patient portal into the system, the patient ensures that the physician carries out every activity that is required of him or her.

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The Residential Chemical Dependency Program for Adult Women is governed by the Joint Commission and the State standards. The policies found therein require that treatments plan be completed in two weeks of admissions. However, this site does not maintain any treatment plans for the patients. It is important that the site maintain create treatment plans for the adult women in order to help them with their recovery process. The site needs to employ physicians that will carry out the processing of relevant information to be used in the treatment plan. These physicians should also identify the various needs and problems that each specific patient requires. Every patient has different requirements.