Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Trial of Offenders of Antisocial Offences. Your paper should be a minimum of 2250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Trial of Offenders of Antisocial Offences. Your paper should be a minimum of 2250 words in length. The main question during the trial of offenders of antisocial offenses is the presence of inclusive laws that can recognize and properly attribute commitment of anti-social acts with the mental status during the act. The availability of such a law would ensure that offenders are fairly convicted in relation to their psychosocial status, and others referred to appropriate mental facilities. Application of investigatory laws in an appropriate manner coupled with adequate referral mechanism will be a pivotal point in ensuring that both the offenders and the offended are served with the right form of justice (Robertson & Law, 2007).

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Andrea Yates, who formerly resided in Houston, Texas, made a confession to having killed her five children after drowning them in the bathtub. She confessed to the authorities as well as to her husband whom she called informing that she had committed the act. All the children of Andrea and Rusty were named from the figures of the bible: Noah, John, Paul, Luke, and Mary. The naming structure of these children was influenced by devotion to Christianity. Andrea developed the devotion after listening to the extremist sermons of Michal Peter, a minister that captivated the spiritual life of Andrea with his preaching of good and evil spirits (West, 2006).

Andrea was determined to have committed the crime following a mental instability. Following the birth of the fourth child, she was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis as well as postpartum depression. Her psychiatrist then advised her against giving birth to another child as that would worsen the condition. In June 1999, rusty came home and found Andrea quivering and chewing her figures, a trait that he compared to degeneration of mental condition to the childhood level. She equally attempted to commit suicide by overdosing on pills but was saved and admitted to&nbsp.a hospital where she was treated with anti-depressants.