Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on whether the us war on terror is just or unjust Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on whether the us war on terror is just or unjust Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! 250000 people were approximately killed in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. this still remains the most dreadful massacre of the civilians ever to take place in history. A lot of things changed after the Second World War, the US became a force to reckon with. The US also tested an atomic bomb underwater and this was first done in the year 1946. The Bikini Islands in the Pacific was the place where these tests of the atomic bomb were conducted. “The United States Representative to the UN Atomic Energy Commission unveiled a plan under which the US would surrender its monopoly of atomic weapons to an international body. The Soviets refused the proposal, and proceeded to develop their own weapons.” (Baruch Plan for Atomic Control, 22 April 2009)
In Germany nine of the most influential people were hung after their trials, these nine people committed malicious crimes such as killing about nine million Jews. The Germans just wanted to ensure that this should not be repeated and hence did justice to these nine people. In the year 1947, the Asian countries also made significant progress, India and Pakistan got independence and formed their own governments, this independence was achieved after a long struggle with the foreign forces. These were some of the most significant events that took place after 1945.
The US war on terror was launched after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the US bombarded several countries to eliminate the terrorists, countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and a few others were invaded by the US. The sole purpose was to eliminate the menace of terrorism. During this invasion the US crossed all limits, several unethical activities were also carried out by the US soldiers, and they redefined the word torture. Several Iraqi citizens had their body parts removed by the US soldiers. many dogs were also used in this operation to torture the citizens. The eyeballs of several people were removed and many barbaric activities took place. .